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The Guide: My boss and I have differing views on the best strategy to advance our objectives

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  • 3 min read

Dear Guide: My boss and I have different views on the best strategy to advance our objectives. I’m proposing a new approach that will add cost, but I believe it will deliver greater revenue. He sees it as a cash flow black hole. I believe… The Guide: My boss and I have differing views on the best strategy to advance our objectives

Chasing certainty instead of clarity is a classic mistake (and what to do instead)

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  • 3 min read

I make this error all the time (most of us do). You’ll probably recognise this scenario: you’re faced with a choice in (even slightly) unfamiliar territory. And getting it wrong feels like it will have some cost or pain (perhaps only minor). What do we… Chasing certainty instead of clarity is a classic mistake (and what to do instead)

Are you working on the right things?

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  • 2 min read

What are the most important problems in your field? Why aren’t you working on them? If you don’t have any great answers to that second question, perhaps consider: maybe I should be?

Our Strategic Planning Toolkit is coming

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  • 2 min read

Update: Our Strategic Planning Toolkit has launched! Our first Impact Society product will be a Strategic Planning Toolkit. It’ll give a step by step, four week approach – with templates and resources – to develop a straightforward strategic plan for any organisation or team. Whatever… Our Strategic Planning Toolkit is coming

Cobras and butterflies: dealing with complexity

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  • 7 min read

Complex adaptive systems can be particularly challenging when making important decisions. To help navigate these challenges, we have developed some guidance and a simple canvas that will help in understanding the complexity of the systems you work with, and to make better decisions within them.

The importance of values

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  • 5 min read

As we’ve discussed in similar articles on both mission and vision statements, organisational values are an often used concept, but rarely well executed. Many organisations have developed a set of values, but very few have applied them in a way that truly and uniquely defines… The importance of values