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Sean Craig

Communication is measured at the listener’s ear, not the speaker’s mouth

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  • 2 min read

Taking total responsibility means measuring communication at the listener’s ear, not the speaker’s mouth. This is what former Google executive Kim Scott talks about in her book Radical Candor. If we seek to take total responsibility, we must accept that – if someone doesn’t understand something –… Communication is measured at the listener’s ear, not the speaker’s mouth

You can still be a kind manager and…

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  • 2 min read

You can’t be a kind person and criticise someone, right? And you definitely couldn’t sack them, right? Wrong. You can be a kind manager and still: Take criticising someone as a common example. Some managers criticise people and they are unkind. Some managers criticise people… You can still be a kind manager and…

Hire for attitude. Train for skill.

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  • 2 min read

The hardest people to manage are those with attitude problems, not capability issues. So why do recruitment processes focus so much on technical fit, rather than cultural fit? I think there are two reasons: What’s the answer? Recruit people through the lens of the matrix… Hire for attitude. Train for skill.

Three ways to be more persuasive

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  • 1 min read

Being influential is a key leadership quality. Making persuasive arguments is critical to leading your team forward. And to managing upwards. What drives influence? There are three things: The first lever takes time. But the better and more consistently we do 2 and 3, the… Three ways to be more persuasive

The firefighting death loop

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  • 3 min read

Are problems on repeat in your organisation? Is it like a game of whack-a-mole, where you fix one problem, only for another to pop up? This happens when organisations are stuck in a firefighting death loop. Gaps between organisational capabilities (in systems of work, people,… The firefighting death loop

The worst decision is no decision

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  • 2 min read

I used to really struggle with decision making. I was scared of making the wrong choice. Of things going wildly wrong and looking like an idiot. This often led to analysis paralysis. Which, at best, slowed progress and annoyed team members. At worst, it led… The worst decision is no decision

Good leaders don’t make excuses

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  • 1 min read

There are few things more certain than things going wrong. As a leader as it is in life. I’ve made plenty of mistakes. And I’ve regularly been confronted by my own limitations. And – no matter how much I meditate, reflect, talk it out (i.e.… Good leaders don’t make excuses

It’s not employer vs employee

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  • 2 min read

As modern leaders, we can – and should – see the employer and employee relationship as a positive-sum game.

Our Strategic Planning Toolkit is coming

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  • 2 min read

Update: Our Strategic Planning Toolkit has launched! Our first Impact Society product will be a Strategic Planning Toolkit. It’ll give a step by step, four week approach – with templates and resources – to develop a straightforward strategic plan for any organisation or team. Whatever… Our Strategic Planning Toolkit is coming