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Guide to Great One-On-Ones

Most managers have one-on-ones. But few are making the most of them.

We do them, because we know we should. But nobody tells us how best to do them.

One-on-ones are an essential tool in any manager’s toolkit.

They’re a great way to drive individual alignment and engagement.

But – according to Harvard Business Review – almost 50% of all managers don’t think they’re making the most of them.

How come? Because few organisations provide guidance or training on when and how to run great one-on-ones.

That’s why we’ve created the free Impact Society Ultimate Guide to Great One-On-Ones.

The guide answers questions about one-on-ones, like:

  • How often should they be?
  • What’s the purpose?
  • What’s the best format?
  • How do I implement a new system of meetings with my team?
  • Is it ok to cancel one-on-ones?

It also includes downloadable template agendas, e-mails and calendar invites.

This resource will help new managers hit the ground running with one-on-ones.

And it will help seasoned managers get the most out of the time they invest one-on-one with their team.