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40 Tips to Find Your Next Superstar Recruit

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What makes a good recruitment process?

Research shows that three things are most reliable at predicting on the job performance:

1. Work sample tests

= 2. General cognitive ability tests

= 2. Structured interviews

Yet, few recruitment processes include sample work or cognitive ability tests.

And many consist entirely of unstructured interviews.

But few managers know this.  Because nobody teaches us.

And our experience – on either side of the interview table – so often follows a widespread, but misinformed, recruitment process.

That’s why we’ve developed The Impact Society Guide to Recruitment: 40 Tips to Find Your Next Superstar Recruit.

Download the first 7 tips for free here.

Impact Society
Guide to Recruitment


New. This guide helps you design and run a better recruitment process to find an amazing fit for your next hire.